Here's a sneak preview of the December Series! (3 days before it hits the mail, and 2 days before it hits the web site and email list) Aren't you glad you came to my blog? :)
What happened to the blog? Has Leckie just let it go? Did he start something that he didn't intend to continue? Has he simply dropped off of the face of the planet?
To those who have been wondering why I haven't "blogged" in a while, the answer is fairly simple and fairly maddening, as well. For me, at least.
If you will notice my last two posts, "Unwired," and "Un-wired-er," you will see a disturbing trend in my technical tool crisis. I probably could have called this post, "Un-wired-er-er," but why drive you crazy, also? My computers are all sadly in need of upgrades, and the latest issue has been a nasty virus/adware/spyware critter that has rendered my laptop almost useless. Although, without a properly functioning screen, CDRW/DVD drive, and floppy disk drive, it was fairly useless already. And with a hard disk error that seems unfixable, the before mentioned virus and a printer that has decided to no longer communicate with computers, it appears even more evident that I must be magnetic or something.
I've considered joining my printer and no longer communicating with computers, either, but if you know me, you know that that couldn't happen for long...:)
I've now sufficiently rigged all computers for bare bones functionality with McGyver-like tactics of chewing gum wrappers and twisty ties, and will continue with all projects until all electronic equipment just bursts into flames or something.
In other news, North Point Fellowship is doing great! No blackout there, just cool progress and watching God do amazing things. We've put the messages from the current series, "Brand New: Life Changing Encounters," on line. Check them out. And of course, if you're in the area on Christmas Eve, join us for our service at 6:30 p.m.
This blog is being sent to you via the home of my brother and sister in law in Tennessee, where we are now enjoying a little Thanksgiving gettaway...More later.