Sunday, April 02, 2006


I've been kind of serious here at the blog, lately.

Frankly, that's because I've been working through all that it is going to take for Compass Church to be all we are supposed to be and I have been a bit overwhelmed. Maybe I've just been weary.

But folks like Jason have cheered me up recently with his pod blip shout out and the weather today is 91 degrees and sunny. We also had a great time enjoying burgers from the grill at our friends' the Robisons, this afternoon and the kids have just pulled out the big blue "fillable" pool.

I've also been enjoying the fun of Zombocom. Some people think that it may actually be the future of Web 2.0. It was a little tricky for me at first, but soon the stress melted away and I realized that the only limit is zombocom! Enjoy.

If you really need it, there is a spoiler here.