Thursday, September 08, 2005

Boring Church Services...

Tony Morgan has a great post today, called:

"10 easy ways to make your church services more boring."

I added a "#11" in the comments section....

It's certainly a constant challenge for every church, but also a great reminder to us all. And you don't have to be shallow or showy or dumbed down to keep from being boring. If your church service has become boring, it's usually because you've gotten lazy, not because your congregation's not spiritual enough.

How could we ever allow ourselves to communicate the greatest news in the world in the dullest possible way? When you're just turning the crank week in and week out, you'll become one yourself before long...

It seems that Kim was talking about this very thing, yesterday...


Royal said...

Sometimes the pastor is asleep. I went to churches with sleeping pastors growing up.

Some pastors just mail it in because they are burned out or feel unapprecited. That's what happens when the people become your audience instead of the "audience of one."

I get excited when I think about my Father in Heaven watching me tell others about Him. And when you get excited, the others watching catch it.

God Bless

Johnny Leckie said...

Hi, Royal!

At another church I served in (not as pastor), we had a guy who was a guest worship leader fall asleep during the sermon. He almost fell out of his chair - and he was on stage!

Hey, it's been a while since I've seen you. Hope you 're doing well!